Recording cameras and monitors in BCC, the Regulatory approves procedures

16/02/2022 | News

The Regulatory Commission approved the procedural rules for the use of recording cameras and monitors (screens) at the Ballot Counting Centers and live streaming from the Ballot Counting Centers to the premises of the Central Election Commission for local by-elections of March 6, 2022. 

The CEC will install the recording cameras in each voting center. The video recording of the ballot counting process by the desk cameras and the surveillance cameras at the BCC will be saved in secure electronic devices and will be delivered to the CEC along with other election materials. 

The CEC administration, or if possible, the CEAZ, shall reproduce a copy of the registered material and will provide it to the electoral subjects in accordance with the rules approved by the Commission. 

The material recorded by the cameras at the BCC will be stored at the CEC until the expiry of deadline for the opening of the boxes. After this deadline, the video shootage will be stored according to the law “On Archives”.

NewsRecording cameras and monitors in BCC, the Regulatory approves procedures