CEC Code of Ethics adoptedĀ 

23/02/2022 | News

The Regulatory Commission adopted today the Code of Ethics of the Central Elections CommissionĀ 

The Code of Ethics aims to provide the governing bodies, the state election commissioner and the administration of the Central Election Commission with a set of values and principles on which their conduct is based. The CodeĀ  addresses the responsibilities in promoting and protecting ethical values in all the aspects of the organization and activities of the Central Election Commission.Ā 

The Code adopts a holistic approach towards the ethical conduct, an overall description of the rules to be followed by the leading bodies, the deputy Commissioner and the CEC administration.

The Code of Ethics has been designed to guide the governing bodies, the deputy election commissioner and the administration of the Central Election Commission in taking the appropriate decisions in cases of ethical dilemmas they face while exercising their functions.Ā 

The adoption of the Code of Ethics meets one of the recommendations given by the Albanian Parliament in the Resolution on the evaluation of the activity of the CEC.Ā 

NewsCEC Code of Ethics adoptedĀ