In today’s public session, the Regulatory Commission, with five votes in favor, approved an addition to the regulation on the organization and operation of the Electoral Administration Zone Commission”, approved by decision no. 5, dated 20.11.2020, of the Regulatory Commission.
A point was added to the regulation which defines the obligation of the CEC administration to make available to the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner, upon their request, the complete documentation submitted for each candidate proposed by the political party or for citizens who have expressed interest in being appointed as a member or secretary of the CEAZ.
Furthermore, the Regulator approved some additions and amendments to instruction no. 2, dated 5.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission, “On setting the procedures for selection and training of citizens who are appointed to fill vacancies in CEAZ and VCC”.
The decision determines the removal of the words “Regional Electoral Office” since this structure no longer exists, as well as adding two new points in the relevant articles regarding availability to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner by the CEC Administration, the complete documentation of applicants to be appointed as members or secretaries of CEAZ and VCC.
These changes come as a need to better address the competencies that the Electoral Code recognizes for the State Election Commissioner and, under Article 14, point 1, of the Electoral Code, the Deputy State Election Commissioner, about guaranteeing the right to supervise the process of recruiting election officials.