Electronic Platform for Financial Reporting of Political Parties introduced

05/04/2023 | News

Today, the Central Election Commission, in cooperation with the Office of Council of Europe and EU Delegation in Tirana, launched the Electronic Platform for Financial Reporting (PERF). The presentation of “PERF” brought together representatives of political parties, legal auditors, election campaign monitors, civil society and the media. 

State Commissioner of Elections, Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi, describing it as one of the most important digital projects the CEC plans to develop, highlighted that “This platform creates a very good opportunity for a complete and accurate administration of the data reported on the income and expenses of political parties during the calendar years and during election campaigns. “This platform is not the mechanism that permanently addresses the issues related to the party financing, but enables an efficient monitoring and supervision for all categories of reporters, monitors, auditors, finance officers of political parties or candidates. The purpose of PERF is to improve and increase access to information, transparency  in a short time, and to improve the quality of data and their processing by all users of the platform” – Commissioner Celibashi stated.

EU Ambassador to Tirana Mrs. Christiane HOHMANN stated in her address that “Fair competition is based on transparency. This is what we are delivering with this platform. The project is part of a bigger effort to fight not only the perception but also the reality of corruption. Because with transparency, corruption does not have a chance to stand, because we shed light on it. this is a real opportunity to have free and fair elections. I am convinced that the platform will also be there for political parties, as they should strive for transparency”.

 The Acting Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, Olsi Dekovi underlined that “The Electronic Platform will strengthen the implementation of GRECO and Venice Commission recommendations regarding the financing of political parties. The CEC and other relevant actors have now a powerful instrument of transparency and accountability which needs to be used effectively”. 

The electronic platform will serve for  reporting of  income and expenses of political parties during the calendar year and during the election campaign, the reporting of legal auditors of the finances of political parties and the reporting of election campaign monitors.

The monitors and finance staff of political parties, who were earlier trained on the use of this platform, shared with the  participants their perspectives on the use and operation of online platform.

This platform has been developed to strengthen the supervisory capacities of the CEC, increase transparency and accountability of political parties and will provide greater transparency and easier access for the civil society organizations, the media and the other stakeholders involved.

The development and presentation of the Electronic Platform was supported by the Action against Economic Crime in Albania (part of the Horizontal Instrument of the European Union and the Council of Europe, Phase III), which aims to contribute to the strengthening of action against corruption, money laundering and financing of terrorism, in line with European standards.

NewsElectronic Platform for Financial Reporting of Political Parties introduced