SEC declares invalid the mandate of the Mayor of Himara

05/07/2024 | News

The State Election Commissioner has reviewed the validity of the mandate of the Mayor of Himarë, Mr. Dhionisios (Alfred) Petro Beleri, proposed by the electoral subject of the “Together We Win” coalition, for the elections to the local government bodies on 14 May 2023.

In a public session, Commissioner Celibashi heard the claims of the parties, representatives of political parties and Mr. Dhionisios (Alfred) Petro Beleri himself, and at the end of the administrative review, the Commissioner decided to declare invalid and the premature termination of the mandate of the Mayor of Himarë, Vlora District, Mr. Dhionisios (Alfred) Petro Beleri.

NewsSEC declares invalid the mandate of the Mayor of Himara