Reporting on public activities – The Commissioner proposes to CSC to impose administrative sanctions

05/05/2023 | News

Today, in a public session, the State Election Commissioner approved the requests of the Austrian, Greek, Hungarian, Dutch, French embassies, the Central Election Commission of Moldova, the Delegation of the European Union and the Democratic Institute of Kosovo, for observing the elections for the bodies of local government of May 14, 2023.

The Commissioner substituted the vacancy created in the Gjirokastër Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the Socialist Party of Albania, Mr. Klaudio Imeraj and the vacancy created in the Pogradec Municipality Council, with the candidate from the multi-name list of the PSocialist Party of Albania, Mr. Kristi Alla.

Today, authorization was given to change the location of 22 voting centers for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023.

The decision was announced for the denunciation no. 335 ID, of the Center “Qendresa Qytetare”, to the Municipality of Kukes and the Director of the school “Isuf Seferi”.

The commissioner decided to propose to CSC the imposing of an administrative sanction for the Mayor of Kukes in the amount of 10,000 ALL and the Director of the 9-Year-Old School “Isuf Seferi” in the amount of 2,500 ALL. Also, it decided to suspend the administrative investigation against the General Director of the State Cadastre Agency and the person responsible for reporting public activities in the Kukës municipality.

The decision was announced for the denunciation no. 336 ID, of the Center “Qendresa Qytetare”, to the Municipality of Kukes and the Director of the school “Shaban Murati”. The commissioner decided to propose to CSC the imposing of an administrative sanction on the Mayor of Kukes in the amount of 10,000 ALL and the director of the 9-Year-Old School “Shaban Murati” in the amount of 2,500 ALL. Also, it decided to suspend the administrative investigation against the General Director of the State Cadastre Agency and the person responsible for reporting public activities in the Kukës municipality.

In this session, the decision was also announced for the denunciation no. 337 ID, of the “Qendresa Qytetare”, to the Council of Ministers. The commissioner decided to terminate the administrative proceedings for the Council of Ministers.

For the monitoring period April 14 – April 27, 2023,were reviewed denunciations no. 342 ID, 343 ID, 344 ID, 345 ID, 346 ID of Deputy Ms. Albana Vokshi, denunciations no. 347 ID, 348 ID, 349 ID, 350 ID, 351 ID of the Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions, denunciation no. 354 Monitor ID, denunciations no. 355 ID, 356, 360 ID, 361 ID, 362 ID, 363 ID of Mr. Ivi Kaso, denunciations no. 357 ID and 358 ID, of the “Coalition We Win”, related to this monitoring period.

Denunciations with no. 357 ID, 358 ID, of the Coalition “Together We Win” were postponed to be considered in the next session.

In this session, was reviewed denunciation no. 349 ID and at the end of the review, the Commissioner decided to establish the violation and propose to CSC the imposing of an administrative sanction in the amount of 3,000 lek for the mayors of Belsh, Bulqiza, Cërrik, Elbasan, Fier, Gramsh, Kavajë, Këlcyre, Kolonje, Konispol , Kukës, Lezhë, Librazhd, Lushnjë, Mallakastër, Poliçan, Prrenjas, Pustec, Roskovec, Shijak. In the meantime, he decided to suspend the administrative proceedings for the mayor of Vorë.

At the end of the administrative review of the denunciation no. 350 ID, the Commissioner decided to confirm violation and to propose to CSC to impose  an administrative sanction with a fine in the amount of 30,000 thousand lek for the general secretaries of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ministry of Finance and Economy. Meanwhile, he decided to suspend the administrative proceedings against the Minister of Tourism and Environment, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, the Minister of Finance and Economy, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Minister of State for Standards and Services, the Minister of the State for Relations with the Parliament, the Minister of State for the Protection of Entrepreneurship.

The Commissioner evaluated the reports of activities of public character of some institutions, for April  21 Prill – 27 2023 period.

He also held the administrative review of complaints with ID no. 342 ID 343 ID 344 ID 345 ID 346, filed by MP Mrs. Albana Vokshi,  complaints with ID 347, 348 ID 349 ID 350 ID 351, filed by the Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions, the complaints no. 354 ID, filed by the Monitors, the complaints with ID no. 355 ID 356, ID 360 , ID 361 ID 362 ID 363, filed by Mr. Ivi Kaso, complaints with ID no. 357 and 358 ID, filed by “Together we Win Coalition”, related to this monitored period.

At the end of the review, the Commissioner ordered the immediate deletion of every posting or re-posting of electoral nature from the official website of institutions shared in  “Facebook” platform or any other electronic media ( social media). Sharing the webpage in Facebook or in  any other electronic media (social media) by public institutions, to publish and repost activities of a political/electoral character, constitutes a misuse of public resources.

In addition, sharing the official website in “Facebook” or any other type of electronic media (social media) by public institutions, to post contents with hashtag #, slogans of a political/electoral character in elections, or appeals for support in elections, constitutes a misuse of public resources by these Institutions. 

NewsReporting on public activities – The Commissioner proposes to CSC to impose administrative sanctions