The Commission of Sanctions and Complaints reviewed the complaint no. 78, filed by the complainant “Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity” with object “Appeal of the Table of Results for Voting Center no. 3239/00, completed by Ballot Counting Team nr. 01, dated 16.05.2023 of CEAZ no. 62, Mallakastër”.
CSC administered the evidence presented by the complainant as well as the document written by the Counting Team and the CEAZ, in which they admit that they have incorrectly tabulated the figures in the Aggregate Table of Results and decided to inspect the ballots cast for the municipal council in VC no. 3239/00, Mallakaster Municipality.
After the inspection of ballots, it resulted that Socialist Party -out of 161 ballots in the Aggregate Table, approved by the CEAZ, 98 ballots were found: PDIU – out of 0 votes reflected in the Aggregate Table, 63 ballots were found.
At the end of review, CSC decided to sustain the request and correct the Aggregate Table of Results (TPR) for Mallakaster Municipal Council, based on the findings from the inspection of ballots by CSC.
CSC also reviewed the complaint no. 89, filed by the Party for Justice Integrity and Unity (PDIU) , with object “Appeal of CEC Decision on approval of the Aggregate Table of Results, for electoral zone, Delvina Municipality. Change of the Aggregate Table of Results of Electoral Zone, Delvina Municipality, for municipal councils”.
Upon the request of the complainant, Party for Justice Integrity and Unity, to withdraw the appeal, CSC decided to drop the complaint.
In addition, CSC reviewed the complaint no. 76, filed by the electoral subject “Together we Win” “Appeal to Decision htimi i vendimit nr. 533, datef 18.05.2023 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results for local government elections of May 14, 2023”. Recounting and reevaluation of the ballots in all voting centers Belsh Municipality and approval of the Aggregate Table, including in it the results emerging from the reevaluation and recounting of the ballots. Invalidity of elections held in Voting Center no. 2565/01 IEVP Kosovë Prison, of the election zone Belsh Municipality.Change of the Aggregate Table of Results for candidates for Mayor of Belsh Municipality, by not including the result of the voting center no. 2565/01 IEVP Kosovë Prison. Announcement as winning candidate for the election for Mayor of Belsh Municipality, Mr . Bedri Qypi”.
CSC decided to suspend the complaint review, setting a deadline until Monday, 05.06.2023, 12.30 hrs , to the complaining party, to submit physically the proof reported during the review. In addition, CSC decided to request information from the General Directorate of Prisons for 22 voters of the special Voting Center IEVP, Kosova Prison, regarding the time of sentence, the time these voters were sent to this IEVP and if they meet the prohibition criteria provided in the law 138/2015.