The Complaints and Sanctions Commission jointly reviewed the appeal request no. 9, dated 03.08.2024 with the petitioner Union Party for Human Rights, and appeal request no. 10, dated 04.08.2024 with the petitioner Mr. Dhionisios Alfred Beleri, with the object “Objection to decision no. 69, dated 05.07.2024 of the State Election Commissioner, “On the review of the validity of the mandate of the Mayor of Himarë, Mr. Dhionisios (Alfred) Beleri, proposed by the coalition ” Together We Win“.
At the end of the review, CSC decided by a majority of votes to dismiss appeal requests no. 9 n and no. 10, and the enforcement of decision no. 69, dated 05.07.2024 of the State Election Commissioner, “On the review of the validity of the mandate of the Mayor of Himarë, Mr. Dhionisios (Alfred) Beleri, proposed by the “Together We Win” coalition.