SEC Celibashi proposes to CSC administrative sanctions for violations in the reporting of the financing of the electoral subjects of locals 2023

08/10/2024 | News

The State Commissioner of Elections in today’s public session filled the vacancies created in 5 municipal councils:

  1. The Council of the Municipality of Malësi e Madhe, with the candidate of the Party “Democratic Christian Alliance of Albania”, Mr. Ardian Demaj;
  2. The Council of the Fier Municiaplity from the multi-name list of the “Social Democratic Party”, with the candidate Mr. Ymer Goga and with the candidate Ms. Kejdi Resuli;
  3. The Council of the Elbasan Municipality , with the candidate of the Coalition “Together We Win”, Mr. Ymer Balliu;
  4. The Council of the Kukes Municipality, with the candidate of the “Hashtag Initiative” Party, Mr. Florin Syla;
    The Council of the Peqin Municipality , with the candidate of the “Socialist Party of Albania”, Mrs. Donika Karina.

In addition, the report on the findings from the audit of funds received and spent by political parties participating in the elections for local government bodies, dated May 14, 2023, was approved.

Pursuant to Article 173, point 3 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided to propose to the Appeals and Sanctions Commission the administrative measure of a fine in the amount of ALL 500,000, for 31 political parties:

  1. “Alliance Party of Macedonians for European Integration”;
  2. “Party Democratic Christian Alliance of Albania”;
  3. “Right Liberal Alliance Party”;
  4. “National Tree Alliance Party”;
  5. “Party Alliance for European Equality and Justice”;
  6. “Party Alliance for Democracy and Solidarity”;
  7. “LZHK Progressive Alliance Party”;
  8. “Albanian Future Party”;
  9. “Democratic Obedience Party”;
  10. “Left Front Party”;
  11. “New Democratic Spirit Party”;
  12. “Albanian Labor Movement Party”;
  13. “Albanian Democratic Christian League Party”;
  14. “The Greek Ethnic Minority Party for the Future”;
  15. “Nisma Knitting Party”;
  16. “Agrarian Environmentalist Party”;
  17. “Party Democratic Alliance of Albania”;
  18. “National Front Party”;
  19. “Social Democracy Party”;
  20. “Democratic Party”;
  21. “Green Party”;
  22. “Party of Albanian Democratic Reforms”;
  23. “Albania National Conservative Party”;
  24. “Communist Party of Albania”;
  25. “Conservative Party”;
  26. “Christian Democratic Party”;
  27. “Party for the Protection of Workers’ Rights of Albania”;
  28. “Party for the Protection of the Rights of Immigrants”;
  29. “Albanian Republican Party”;
  30. “National Unity Party”;
  31. “Albanian Emigration Party”.

Pursuant to Article 173, point 3 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided to propose to the Appeals and Sanctions Commission the administrative measure of a fine in the amount of ALL 2,000,000 for:

  1. “Party for the Protection of the Rights of Immigrants”;
  2. “National Tree Alliance Party”;
  3. “Party for the Protection of Workers’ Rights of Albania”;
  4. “Communist Party of Albania”;
  5. “National Unity Party”;
  6. “Party Alliance for European Equality and Justice”;
  7. “Albanian Labor Movement Party”;
  8. “Conservative Party”;
    “Albanian Democratic Christian League Party”;
  9. “Party of Albanian Democratic Reforms.

Pursuant to Article 173, point 5 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided to propose to the Appeals and Sanctions Commission the taking of administrative measures and the transfer of funds received on behalf of the CEC to 40 candidates for mayor as follows:
1. Belsh Municipality, Socialist Party, Mr. Arif Tafani with a fine in the amount of ALL 206,000;
2. Fier Municipality, Socialist Party, Mr. Armando Subashi with a fine in the amount of ALL 138,910;
3. Durrës Municipality, Socialist Party, Mrs. Emirjana Sako with a fine in the amount of ALL 75,859
4. Kuçovo municipality, Socialist Party, Mr. Kreshnik Hajdari with a fine of 500,000 ALL;
5. Roskovec Municipality, of the Socialist Party, Mrs. Majlinda Bufi with a fine in the amount of 243,500;
6. Librazhd Municipality, of the Socialist Party, Mr. Mariglen Disha with a fine in the amount of 125,490;
7. Mat Municipality, Socialist Party, Mr. Agron Malaj with a fine of 80,000 ALL
8. Peqin Municipality, Socialist Party, Mr. Bukurosh Maci with a fine of 70,000 ALL;
9. Krujë Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Agron Loka with a fine in the amount of ALL 486,000;
10. Miridtë municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Albert Mëlyshi with a fine in the amount of ALL 300,000;
11. Saranda Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Ardit Cikuli with a fine in the amount of ALL 259,958;
12. Kamez municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Arjan Hoxha with a fine in the amount of ALL 72,000;
13. Divjaka Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Aurel Malko with a fine of 72,000;
14. Shkodra Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Bardh Spahia with a fine in the amount of 445,280;
15. Klos municipality, of the Freedom Party, Mr. Bedri Hoxha with a fine in the amount of ALL 156,715;
16. Kurbin Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Behar Haxhiu with a fine in the amount of ALL 132,456;
17. Tropoja Municipality , Freedom Party, Mr. Besnik Dushaj with a fine in the amount of ALL 178,758;
18. Bulqiza Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Dêfrim Fiku with a fine in the amount of ALL 192,294;
19. Gjirokastër Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Dorjan Lani with a fine in the amount of ALL 72,000;
20. Përmet Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Edmond Komino with a fine in the amount of ALL 198,000;
21. Devoll municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Elvis Hajdërlli with a fine in the amount of ALL 223,762;
22. Kolonje Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Et’Hem Lumani with a fine of 169,000 ALL;
23. Fier Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Evdar Kodheli with a fine in the amount of ALL 192,000;
24. Konispol municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Fatmir Shero with a fine in the amount of ALL 172,000;
25. Kavajë municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Fisnik Qosja with a fine in the amount of ALL 392,220;
26. Gramsh Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Hasim Çekrezi with a fine in the amount of ALL 107,440;
27. Fushë Arrëz Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Hil Curri with a fine in the amount of ALL 72,000;
28. Vlora Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Enter Sharra with a fine in the amount of ALL 452,311;
29. Durrës municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Igli Cara with a fine in the amount of ALL 368,135;
30. Dibër municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Ismail Uka with a fine in the amount of ALL 72,000;
31. Kuçovo municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Lefter Maliqi with a fine of 170,000 ALL;
32. Elbasan Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Luciano Boçi with a fine in the amount of ALL 72,000;
33. Municipality Has, Freedom Party, Mr. Miftar Dauti with a fine in the amount of ALL 95,948;
34. Lezhë municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Pashk Gjoni with a fine in the amount of 171,000 ALL;
35. Mallakastër municipality, of the Freedom Party, Mr. Resmi Shanaj with a fine in the amount of ALL 72,000;
36. Librazhd municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Shefki Cota with a fine of 118,000 ALL;
37. Rrogozhin Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Shkelqim Hoxha with a fine of 316,000 ALL;
38. Patos Municipality, Freedom Party, Mrs. Sofije Alushaj with a fine in the amount of ALL 80,100;
39. Berat Municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Zija Ismaili with a fine in the amount of ALL 105,840;
40. Pogradec municipality, Freedom Party, Mr. Zini Tollozhina was fined 188,000 ALL.

Pursuant to Article 173, point 6 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided to propose to the Appeals and Sanctions Commission the taking of an administrative measure for the candidate for mayor, Lezhë municipality, of the Socialist Party, Mr. Pjerin Ndreu with a fine of 720,000 ALL.

Pursuant to Article 173, point 8 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided to propose to the Appeals and Sanctions Commission the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of ALL 200,000 for the “Socialist Party of Albania” and the “Democratic Party”, and a fine in the amount 100,000 “Agrarian Environmentalist Party of Albania”, “Republican Party”, “Conservative Party”.

Pursuant to article 88, point 7 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided the obligation of the “National Unity” party to return to the CEC the amount of 562,618.08 (five hundred and sixty-two thousand, six hundred and eighteen point eight) lek and the obligation of the “Alliance” party Christian Democratic Party of Albania” to return to the CEC the amount of 448,974.27 ALL (four hundred and forty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-four comma twenty-seven).

Pursuant to articles 84, point 5 and 171, point 1 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner decided the administrative sanction for 6 OSHMAs:

  1. fine in the amount of ALL 4,000 for Shijak TV;
  2. fine in the amount of 4,000 ALL for Bulqiza TV;
  3. fine in the amount of 4,000 ALL for Bulevard TV;
  4. fine in the amount of 4,000 ALL for RTV Shkodra;
  5. fine in the amount of ALL 4,000 for CAN;
  6. fine in the amount of 5,000 lek for Ora News.

Pursuant to articles 84, point 5 and 171, point 1 of the Electoral Code, for exceeding the minutes, the Commissioner imposed an administrative fine of 4,000 ALL for Shijak TV and 5,000 ALL for Syri TV.

Pursuant to Article 173, Item 8 of the Electoral Code, the Commissioner imposed an administrative fine in the amount of ALL 100,000 for the OSHMAs:

  1. Fax News;
  2. MCN TV;
  3. Syri TV;
  4. Top News;
  5. Koplik TV;

Today, complaint no. was reviewed administratively. 2 ID from the Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions (KRIIK), to the persons responsible for administrative violations, for the partial elections for Mayor of Himara Municipality, dated August 4, 2024. At the end of the review, the Commissioner decided to propose Complaints and Sanctions Commission taking the administrative measure for Ms. Haide Dhuli, Director of the United High School “Qazim Pali”, Borsh in the amount of 4000 (four thousand) lek and for Mr. Vangjel Tavo, the candidate for the municipality of Himarë in the amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) ALL, as well as the suspension of the administrative investigation for Mr. Blendi Klosi, representative of the Socialist Party of Albania.



NewsSEC Celibashi proposes to CSC administrative sanctions for violations in the reporting of the financing of the electoral subjects of locals 2023