REMINDER – On the activity of public institutions four months ahead of elections date

06/01/2025 | News

The process of reporting all activities of a public character by public institutions, central and local ones and state agencies and/or enterprises, that plan to conduct activities during the four- month period before of elections until the election day, is a legal obligation. The Central Election Commission (CEC) has the responsibility and legal obligation to supervise, report and prohibit them.


All central and local public institutions that exercise activities of a public nature and the CEC and its administration comply with all normative regulations related to the process of notification of public activities pursuant to the deadlines set in the Electoral Code, and follow all procedures related to this legal obligation, with accountability and in compliance with the relevant legislation.

Articles 91 and 92 of Law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008, “Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania”,  as amended and Decision no. 9, dated 24.12.2020, of the Regulatory Commission “On the rules of reporting of public activities by every public institution with state capital, agencies, state entities, categories of prohibited activities and monitoring the activity, conduct and use of human, financial and logistical resources of the state administration before the elections”, as amended, define the rules for the public activities of institutions during the four-month period prior to the election date.


  In the meaning of the above-mentioned provisions, I bring to your attention the following:


  1.                               Starting from January 11, 2025 until May 11, 2025, every public body has the obligation to report in advance to the Central Election Commission on the public activities organized by the head of the institution and/or any administrative staff or other employees of the institution. Other entities where the state owns capital/quotas/shares or/and appoints the majority of the supervisory body or the administrative body of the entity, are also subject to this obligation.
  2.        An activity is public when it is covered, depending on the case, by the radio, television, the media, the webpage, online media, social networks, or via any other media that enables the general public to learn about or be informed about that activity
  3.                    Reporting of the activity is done through the Electronic Reporting Interface of Institutions (NRI), which represents the official website owned and that serves to the Central Election Commission and other institutions,  to exercise of legal duties and responsibilities provided in the Electoral Code and    Decision No. 9, dated 24.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission, as amended.
  4.                     Each public institution creates its own account in the NRI. The public institution is responsible for the data it uploads to NRI and generally for the maintenance and administration of the account.
  5.                    “Person responsible for reporting” is the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, the Secretary General of the ministry, the highest-ranking official in the municipality, the general director or the highest director at administrative level for the agencies and institutions under the  Council of Ministers, the executive director of commercial companies where the state has a participation of more than 50 percent of the shares, the executive director of state-owned companies. The people responsible for reporting may authorize a third person for reporting, but in any case they are responsible for meeting this obligation. 
  6.                    The user, the representative of the institution logs in by filling in the required data and his application is managed by the CEC, which approves or rejects it. After the approval of the reporter, the reporter receives the credentials in the e-mail addressed provided in the application. “My Profile” is the menu that allows you to view your data as a user, representative of the institution for reporting activities. You can view your personal data, role and representative institution and cannot change them. The portal only provides you the option to change the password.
  7.                     Reporting an activity is a process that includes recording and documenting activities that have just started or which are scheduled to be held by the institution. The process of reporting new activities is important to ensure transparency, monitoring and evaluation of the progress of activities.
  8.                     The report must contain the date and time of the activity, the region, municipality, address where it takes place, its type, purpose and the theme of activity, first and last names of the participants,  who represent the highest state hierarchical level in the respective activity, the institution to which they belong, first and last names of potential speakers and their position and whether there is  media participation,  social networks, online media.
  9.                     Reporting a specific public activity in NRI must be done no later than 5 (five) days before the planned date for the activity. The activities which are organized or organized in cooperation with the reporting public institution should be reported. Activities where the public institution or its representatives are invited to participate are not reported.
  10.             Reporting data cannot be modified during the 5 (five) day-period before the date of the activity until the date it is held.
  11. Any activity, of a public nature, held according to the provisions of item 1 and 2 of this memo, with the participation of public administration staff, shall be reported. The use of signs, logos, slogans, banners, posters, whether mobile or not, and propaganda materials that directly or indirectly identify a political party/electoral subject or candidate in the elections is prohibited in these activities.
  12. Political/electoral activities are not reported to the CEC.
  13. During the political/electoral activities,
  • the participation of public servants and officials during official hours, is prohibited;
  • the use of public resources is prohibited;
  • the use of symbols, logos or other similar items of public institutions is prohibited;
  • statements on behalf of the public institution made by participants are prohibited, regardless of the fact that they may be leaders of these institutions, or staff members;
  • coverage of these activities by social networks of public institutions is prohibited.


  1. It is prohibited to promote various projects in investments, services, for which funds are budgeted after January 11 and which are not included in the annual budget program approved at the beginning of the year.
  2. It is prohibited the public distribution of legalization permits and/or any property title during the period specified in this memo.
  3. It is prohibited to carry out the activities defined in point 10 of this memo, or other activities of a political/electoral nature in the headquarters and yards of schools, hospitals and similar institutions, in the headquarters of central and local public bodies, such as ministries, municipalities, various agencies and similar institutions.
  4.  It is prohibited to carry out activities as defined in point 10 of this memo, or other activities of a political/electoral nature, in libraries, cultural centers, except when approved by a decision/instruction from the institution they report to, as multifunctional centers.
  5. The heads of institutions or the people responsible for the management/administration of multifunctional centers, cultural centers and sports facilities, must schedule in advance the impartial availability of facilities to all electoral subjects or candidates,  without favoring any of them.
  6. The head of the institution, or other officials participating in the activity, despite the status or political engagement in an institutional activity, must not display this second profile of either directly or indirectly.
  7. A state administration member who has been registered as a candidate for the elections is suspended from duty from the moment he is registered as a candidate until the date the ballot counting ends in the zone he is running. For the civil servants, whose employment relationship is regulated by the Labor Code, in case they do not notify about their running in the elections,  measure of “termination of employment relations” is taken.

To access the Electronic Reporting Interface for Institutions (ERI), visit the official website at under the Public Activities section. For more information on its use or for any clarifications, contact us at the email address: [email protected].

State Election Commissioner

NewsREMINDER – On the activity of public institutions four months ahead of elections date