The Regulatory Commission approved the working guide for the Electoral Administration Zone Commissions, for the Assembly elections of May 11, 2025.
This working guide comes to the aid of the electoral administration, political parties and other stakeholders in the activity of the Electoral Administration Zone Commissions. The guide aims to ensure that all procedures and tasks are carried out in accordance with the law and efficiently.
The decision includes detailed instructions on the composition of the CEAZ, the conditions for the appointment, release or dismissal of CEAZ members, its meetings and decision-making, as well as the management of vacancies created.
It also includes functional tasks of the CEAZ such as the establishment of Voting Center Commissions (VCCs), procedures for appointing VCC members and filling vacancies, accreditation of observers, organization of the BCC, and distribution of voting materials.
To achieve its purpose, the working guide is structured in such a way that it is clear and easy to understand for the members of the CEAZs. It contains detailed and logically organized information, including practical examples and step-by-step instructions. At the end of the guide, the tasks of the CEAZ and a listing of the CEC acts related to the activity of the CEAZ are summarized.
This supporting material defines the activity of the CEAZ until the receipt of voting materials by the VCC, while the tasks of the CEAZ related to the vote counting process and the management of election results will be addressed in the working guide for the GNV.
The work guide contains information on the composition of the CEAZ, the conditions for the appointment, release or dismissal of a CEAZ member, its meetings, decision-making under ordinary conditions and in the conditions of vacancies created in the CEAZ.
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