The Regulatory Commission approved an amendment to Decision No. 10, dated 23.10.2024, of the Regulatory Commission “On the approval of rules for the registration of voters from outside the territory of the Republic of Albania and the preparation of the voters’ list,” as amended.
Today’s decision reflects the changes made by the Albanian Parliament with the approval of Law No. 10/2025, which introduces amendments and additions to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania. One of these changes affects point 8 of Article 25 of the Electoral Code, which pertains to the submission of requests to the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction in Tirana up to 30 days before the election date by voters abroad who wish to appeal the CEC’s decision rejecting their inclusion in the voters’ list. This request may also be submitted online through an electronic platform approved by the High Judicial Council. Requests made under this provision are exempt from judicial fees. The court will review and decide on these requests through this platform.
Additionally, the Regulatory Commission decided that for the parliamentary elections on May 11, 2025, recording cameras and monitors (screens) will be used for the recording and display of ballots at all vote counting centers both inside and outside the country.
It also approved the use of a real-time video transmission system to monitor the counting of votes from inside and outside the country, streamed from each vote counting center to the premises of the Central Election Commission. The use of recording cameras, monitors (screens), and the real-time video transmission system from all vote counting centers inside and outside the country to the CEC will be implemented based on procedural rules approved by the Regulatory Commission through a normative act.