Since the establishment of the new bodies of the CEC on October 5, 2020, the CEC showed a maximal commitment to fulfill the tasks and responsibilities that derive from the Electoral Code.
Despite the challenge of the narrow time frame , the CEC worked intensively to draft the proper rules and regulations for the preparations of the election process of April 25,2021.
This has been an intense period in all its components. Starting with composition of the new structure of the CEC, which understandably creates difficulties not only in the drafting of secondary legislation but also in defining their missions and tasks. The new structure, still unfinished, is reorganised to support the new design of the CEC bodies and the duties/powers that derive from the Electoral Code.
During this period, the Regulatory Commission adopted 12 important acts (on election technology, the seats in each election zone, the rules and functioning of the CEAZ, etc.)
In the meantime, as a Commissioner, I adopted 41 acts (decisions, orders and instructions ) related to the working groups on the implementation of technology in elections, voting of emigrants, election logistics, verification of the self declaration forms, etc.
Unlike the previous election practice, during this period, when adopting the acts, we aimed at minimizing the number of adopted acts in order to make easier the rules for the actors and subjects involved in the process.
It is worth mentioning that so far the acts have been unanimously approved by the Regulatory, even those of a sensitive nature and of a special importance for the election process, such as the act on prohibited activities.
Regarding the biometric identification project, upon the conclusion of the working group report on 21.12.2020, we issued a procurement order no. 49, dated 23.12.2020, on the procurement procedure, “IT systems / equipments for the electronic identification of voters and their post election verification.
Immediately after the procurement order, our Contracting Authority continued with the procurement process with the following object “IT systems / equipments for the electronic identification of voters and their post election verification” and we are currently in the stage of submission of the bids by economic operators. The invitation to participate in the procurement procedure is sent to 6 companies.
Concerning the vote of the Albanian citizens living abroad, the working group is drafting the detailed report on the types and methodology of voting from abroad, the criteria, comparative analyses of other countries with a consolidated practices of voting from abroad, and the expected financial costs. During this period, the CEC has been consulted also with the representatives of Diaspora organizations.
Given the current situation of pandemic, the CEC is also cooperating with international partners regarding studies conducted in the countries that ran elections during the pandemic in order to learn from successful experiences of other countries and implement those solutions which are suitable for our country.
In the coming days, a series of new important acts will be adopted, which are related to the media monitoring methodology, monitoring and auditing the election campaign, public and non public funding of electoral subjects, the rules and regulations on administrative inquiry in case of filed charges, etc.