- Check the Voter’s List/Renewal Identification Documents
I would like to start this public address with an appeal to citizens to check their name in the voters’list, check the voting center and renew their identification documents.
I appeal to all the citizens not to leave it at the last minute, but to check the name, the voting center, by visiting the official website of the CEC and the Ministry of the Interior. Another way of checking the name in the voters’list is also by downloading the CEC mobile application in your mobile phone.
I call on to all the citizens whose ID documents have expired or will expire, to go the offices of Aleat Company and renew them.
The voting day is approaching and the franchise can only be exercised if you have a valid ID on April 25.
- Decriminalization
The parliamentary elections of April 25, 2021 will be a test on how the efficiency and efficacy of the processing of the data will serve to reporting in time of the facts unreported by the candidates for MP of electoral subjects running in elections.
Therefore, I wish and hope that all electoral subjects running in elections, filter their candidates, but above all I hope that the public or the interested parties will proactively engage in signalling of information unreported by the candidates.
I guarantee that the priority task of the CEC is the process of verification of all MP candidates, in order to prevent the individuals with past history of violation of criminal law, from seeking representation of the citizens in the Albanian Parliament.
- Out-of-Country voting
We have completed the draft which will pave the way for the process of registration of the voters with permanent residence outside the territory of the Republic of Albania in the voters list in the area they reside.
We are in the phase of consultations with political parties and representatives of Diaspora and other parties who are interested or involved in this process. We hope that the Regulatory Commission adopts it by next week.
- Banned Activities
In this communication I would like to mention one of the topics of public interest such as the reporting of the activities by public institutions.
The Electoral Code requires the compliance with the election standards and impartiality of public administration for a period of four months before elections until the election date.
It requires a fair administration of state and public resources, not putting them to the service of electoral subjects or candidates, in order to guarantee an equal treatment of all runners in elections.
The CEC Decision no. 9, issued pursuant to the Electoral Code, requires transparency, self control and restrictions for the public administration in order for the administration to exercise its public functions with impartiality regarding the election race.
This Decision defines a list of public activities that are prohibited to be promoted and activities prohibited to be held.
Activities prohibited from being promoted are the public activities for which public funds are recently or specifically allocated, or transferred, not according to the adopted budget plan, during a four month period before the elections and which include the support and promotion of the projects provided in Decision no.9, of the CEC, which the institution must report on the CEC interface.
The activities which should not be promoted are also : handing out in public events legislation certificates, agriculture land registration acts, ownership certificates and any type of property title based on the legislation on the finalisation of transitory processes of ownerships and registration of property titles based on the law no..111/2018, “On Cadastre” 4 (four) months before the elections.
Prohibited activities are those activities which should not be held by the public institutions according to the criteria and timeframe specified in this Decision.
In this case we have two typologies- administrative activities which make use of the state resources, 4 months prior to elections, are not allowed to be held by the administration- and operational activities of the administration that might be used by the electoral subjects to force the administration staff to participate in political activities.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the institutions that show a high level of accountability in fulfilling the election legislation requirements. But I must underline that the CEC cannot address the numerous requests which are filed with CEC, for case by case interpretation of many situations that are presented by institutions. The institutions should report on the web interface , “Prohibited activities” and through this interface the CEC monitors the activities of institutions.
I invite all the institutions to continue to exercise their duties undisturbed, depending on their area of responsibility, based on strategic documents and the respective bylaws, by complying with the provisions of the Decision no.9, dated 24.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission, which explicitly requires a greater vigilance on their part in order not to make use of immovable and moveable assets which are under their administration or their ownership, for election purposes.
In the meantime, the CEC is following every report made in the interface of the prohibited activities and is addressing them in compliance with the legislation in force.