In the context of the preparation of the election process, the Central Election Commission has launched an awareness and information campaign targeted at voters and public administration.
The CEC, in cooperation with the Academy of Political Studies, supported by the Council of Europe, EU and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands have prepared a detailed content regarding the prohibition of state resources for electoral purposes.
The new provisions of the Electoral Code have come into effect on December 25, 2020, based on 01/2020 and 118/2020 amendments. They stipulate the prohibition of the public activities and the use of state resources during a four month period until April 25, 2021 elections.
These restrictions also apply to the use of public funds and resources for electoral purposes.
In order to inform and make aware the entire public administration regarding institutional responsibilities and restrictions provided in Decision no.9 of the CEC, a detailed information has been delivered to the highest officials in the central government and municipalities to be communicated to the entire administration.
Information regarding the Electoral Code provisions on the use of state resources.