The Commission of Sanctions and Complaints reviewed the criteria of the form and content of complaint no. 75, filed by complainant ” Demo-Christian Alliance Party of Albania”, with the object “Appeal to CEC and CEAZ Decision: 1- Appeal of the approved Aggregate Table of Results for the Kamez Municipal Council elections. 2- Recounting and Reevaluation of valid and invalid votes of subjects in the ballot boxes for Municipal Council. 3- Changing the Electronic Table of the CEC, the Aggregate Table of the Results for Municipal Council”.
At the end of the preliminary review, CSC decided to dismiss the complaint, since the elements of the form and content of the request were not met within the 24-hour deadline given by CSC.
The elements of the form and content were reviewed for the complaint no. 79, filed by the complainant “Social Democratic Party of Albania”, with object “Appeal to the decision of the State Election Commissioner no. 541, dated 20.02.2023 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of the Results of elections for the Mayor and the Municipality, Council in the election zone of Vlora Municipality, for local government elections of May 14, 2023”.
At the end of the preliminary review, CSC decided to pass for review the request on Wednesday, on 31.05.2023, at 12:30.
Today, the elements of form and content were also reviewed for the complaint no. 80, filed by the complainant “Together We Win” Coalition, with object “Appeal to Decision no. 531, dated 18.05.2023, “On the approval of the Aggregate Table of Results for the candidates for mayor of Rrogozhine Municipality and the Approval of the new Aggregate Table after the Recounting and Reevaluation of the votes in all the voting centers of the electoral zone, Rrogozhine Municipality.Appeal to the decision no. 531, dated 18.05.2023 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results for the election of the Mayor of Rrogozhinë” and the Approval of the Aggregate Table, by omitting the election result of the voting center no. 2224/1, IEVP Rrogozhinë. Declaring as winning candidate for Mayor, Mr. Shkëlqim Hamid Hoxha, proposed by the electoral subject “Together we Win” Coalition”.
In conclusion, CSC decided to pass for review the complaint on Wednesday, on 31.05.2023, at 13:00.
In addition, CSC reviewed the elements of the form and content of the complaint no. 81, filed by the complainant “Together we Win” Coalition and object “1. Complaint to decision No. 536, dated 20.05.2023 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results for the election of the mayor and Municipality Council, in the Electoral Zone of Kamëz, Municipality for local government elections of May 14, 2023”. Computer expertise of any electronic device that is equipped with a server for storing electronic data. This should be performed by foreign experts, independent from state institutions or the Central Election Commission. For this, it is necessary that the equipment is stored in appropriate conditions, in the current state in order to avoid interference by unauthorized persons and protect them from atmospheric agents. 3. Comparing the electronic election result with the physical result (ballots found in the box), for each voting center. For this, a process as transparent and comprehensive as possible is required. 4. Examining the external cameras and those used inside the voting centers in order to identify all unauthorized persons or people who are part of the local and central administration, at the specialist or management role, who have been present in the voting centers all the time, the identification of the respective statements that were not signed; for the voters who were accompanied in the Voting Center, evidence of the voting by PEVN operators, evidence of the voting of the commissioners on behalf of the voters. Comparison of voter codes with the list of voters for each VC in Kamez Municipality, in relation to the voter identification device (PED). 6. Recounting and re-evaluation of votes in all voting centers of the electoral unit, Kamëz Municipality and approval of the aggregate table for Kamëz Municipality electoral area, including the result of the recount and re-evaluation of votes; 7. Invalidity of elections held in the Kamëz Municipality electoral zone; and 8. Finally, after the above actions have been carried out and you have grounded evidence that this is not the vote of the citizens, we request from you: The re-run of elections for the Mayor of the Municipality and Kamez Municipal Council”.
At the end of the preliminary review, CSC will pass for review on Wednesday, on 31.05.2023, at 15:00.
Complaint No. 82, filed by complainant “Together we Win”, Coalition and object “1. Appeal to decision no. 292 and no. 293, dated 18.05.2023 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results for the election of the Mayor / Municipal Council of Kruja Municipality, in local government elections of May 14, 2023″.The invalidity of elections held in those VCs of Krujë Municipality electoral area where commissioners were involved, in violation of the legal provisions of Electoral Code.The remedy of the situation, by proceeding with the change of the Aggregate table of the relevant result, not including the result of the voting centers, which are object of the appeal.”
In conclusion, CSC decided to pass for review the complaint no. 82. The review will take place on Friday, on 26.05.2023, at 10:30
CSC also reviewed the elements of form and content of complaint no. 84, filed by complainant “Demo- Christian Alliance Party of Albania”, with object “Appeal to the CEC and CEAZ decision ; 1. Appeal to the approval of the Aggregate table of results for the elections of Kamez Municipal Council and tabulating the new aggregate table after examining the election material based on this request. 1. Revaluation of valid and invalid votes for some subjects in some of the ballot boxes for Kamez Municipal Council. 3– Re-adjudication of all unjustified changes in the Electronic Table of Aggregate Results for Kamez Municipal Council”.
At the end of the preliminary examination, CSC decided to return the request as incomplete, and set a deadline of 24 hours for it to be completed. The next hearing for the complaint will take place on Friday, 26.05.2023, at 16:00