Local by elections for Kukes Municipality Mayor – Socialist Party proposes seventh member of CEAZ

19/08/2023 | News

The State Election Commissioner determined the political parties that will propose the members of Commission of Election Administration Zone (CEAZ) no.11, which will be established and operate during local by elections for Mayor of Kukes Municipality on September 24,2023.

The following parties are eligible to propose the members of the CEAZ: 

  1. Three members are proposed by the Socialist Party of Albania (PSSh) ;
  2. Two members are proposed by the Party of Freedom (PL);
  3. One member is proposed by Democratic Party (PDSH).

The Commissioner approved the result of the lot cast in the CEC, between Socialist Party of Albania and Party of Freedom, according to which the seventh member of the CEAZ will be proposed by Socialist Party of Albania, while the secretary of the CEAZ will be proposed by the Party of Freedom.

In addition, the Commissioner approved the template and specifications of the stamp of CEAZ, VCC and VCC chairman, the additional stamp of VCC and the remuneration of Election Commission members of the Election Administration Zone no.11, engaged in September 24, 2023 local by elections for Mayor of Kukes Municipality.

NewsLocal by elections for Kukes Municipality Mayor – Socialist Party proposes seventh member of CEAZ