Local by elections for Kukes Municipality Mayor – Quantity of ballots approved 

25/08/2023 | News

The State Election Commissioner, during a public session, approved the election materials and the quantity of additional stamps of the Voting Center Commission to be produced for September 24,2023 local by elections for Kukes Municipality Mayor. Five additional stamps will be produced for these elections and the text of additional stamp is unique for each stamp and is composed of letter “R”. 

In addition, the Commissioner approved the quantity of ballots to be produced by each voting center. After processing the data of voters list, extracted from the General Directorate of Civil Status Office, the number of voters in Kukes Municipality is 45.946 voters and the number of voting centers is 74. By adding 2 per cent to the voters number, the quantity of ballots that should be produced is 46.865. ( Forty six thousand and eight hundred and sixty five) ballots.  

During the session, it was approved the decision on the use of electronic portal ( module)  by the political parties and electoral subjects (PEPP). 

Each party  can upload its data independently in the portal, starting with the request to be registered as electoral subject, to propose members of election commisions, ballot counting team members or other requests, which are submitted and reviewed via PEPP module. 

The platform enables rules for the acquisition, administration and storage of data for political parties, electoral subjects, for their registration through PEPP, as well as for the review of various requests. 

The data on political parties and electoral subjects are received, administered and retained by the CEC also through the Electronic Portal for Political Parties (PEPP).  

NewsLocal by elections for Kukes Municipality Mayor – Quantity of ballots approved