The State Election Commissioner held a public meeting pursuant to paragraph 2, article 19 and letter “n”, paragraph 1, article 19, of the law no. 10019, dated 29.12.2008 “The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania” as amended, to review and adopt acts in his competence.
The State Election Commissioner concluded the review of the administrative procedure of violations of Decision no.9, dated 24.12.2020 of the CEC Regulatory Commission, reported by the Socialist Movement for Integration Party, against Tirana Mayor, Mr. Erion Veliaj”.
Based on the evaluation of the facts and the evidence administered, the CEC decided to impose a fine at the amount of 35 000 lek to Mr.Erion Veliaj, for violation of article 92, item 1 and 2 of the Electoral Code, for failure to report public activities and a fine of 40,000 lek for violation of article 3, paragraph 1.3 letter b, of the Decision no.09 of the Regulatory Commission, for conducting prohibited activities.
In addition, the Commissioner decided to pass the request of the Association for Democratic Culture (ADC) for accreditation of 34 long term observers to observe the election process of April 25,2021 parliamentary elections.