We are providing information about the progress of the voting process so far.
Regarding the electronic identification process, according to the information available at the CEC, there are only 142 VCs out of 5199 where the identification process is being done manually, not through the electronic identification device , due to the fact that the operators did not show up at the voting center . In 40 cases, in fact we could not find operator to use the device in these VCs. What needs to be mentioned is the fact that only in 142 VCs the identification process is taking place manually.
In all the rest of the voting centers the identification is being done through the electronic identification device. It is true that we encountered some problems of a technical nature. These problems came due to the fact that this device and the whole system are applied for the first time in Albania and we had to implement this project in a very narrow time frame, but seen in its complexity, the number of those VCs, where the electronic identification process is not taking place, compared to the 5199 VCs, is very low.
There have been some problems which are mainly a result of the poor level of knowledge of the operators but there were also problems of the technical character with the device, which are mostly related to printing. And as much as my advice and this recommendation of mine can be heard, even in cases when a device does not print correctly the coupon that certifies and proves and shows the voter where he voted, the electronic identification process should continue and the device should continue its operation. There is no reason why the device should not be used even if the device printer is not working. It is an added document on the voter who voted.
There were 5700 incoming calls in the early in the morning from operators and VCCs regarding the problems of PIE, which were resolved and were addressed at the level of 2200 explanatory answers on all issues that were observed.
My appeal goes to the representatives of political parties, who have Commission members represented in the VC, that these members strictly abide by the law and fulfill responsibilities regarding the voting process. There is no reason to categorize even minor problems of a technical or procedural nature as issues of a political nature or as political inclination.
Any commissioner or even operator, who will avoid, or in extreme cases abandon his duties, will be followed by penal responsibilities. The CEC is totally focused on identification of these facts and will immediately report it to the relevant bodies.
So, in order for the VC operators and commissioners to continue to do their job, the representatives of political parties at each level should let them do their job. The calmer they feel when performing their tasks, the better the process goes.
In those cases when the electronic identification device did not work properly, or had defects which led to inability to conduct the voting, we instructed the Operators and VC commissioners to contact the CEC.
We have an infinite number of support lines for operators and commissioners and if there will be a complete failure of the device, we have taken all measures to replace the device.
Until the device is replaced, the VC Commission should wait, according to instructions of the CEC. If it is not possible to replace the device, they will carry out the process of voter identification manually as all VCCs are also equipped with printed voter lists. So if the device does not work and if the device will not be replaced, then they will have to go through manual identification and voting.
But even without following this procedure, it could not last for more than three hours as a whole. In those VCs in which the voting and identification process has started manually, it will continue manually and the commissioners should not resume the use of device, because this would make it difficult to verify the problems in these VCs in case of an administrative or even criminal investigation process.
The voting process has actually started in all VCs, but at the moment we are talking, it is interrupted in a Voting Center in Lekbibaj due to a conflict among commissioners. We are following the situation in order to understand what is the nature of the conflict of the commissioners and we will take measures to address them.
Representatives of political parties should be seriously engaged, interest in the result probably prevails, but it is highly important to work above all for the integrity of the process, because any kind of results that is achieved after the process, which lacks the right integrity, is worthless.
Therefore, let us all work together for the integrity of the process, to create a working atmosphere and exclusively a working one, for the members of the VCCs, and when needed, let us together help them. After 19:00 hrs, let us wait for the result, with a justified curiosity.