The Commission of Complaints and Sanctions concluded the administrative review of the following complaints:
- Complaint no. 40, with object “Appeal to Decision no. 344, dated 04.05.2021 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results in election zone of Elbasan Region, Invalidity of elections held on April 25,2021, Ordering the election rerun in Elbasan Region”, filed by the complainant Democratic Party – Alliance for Change coalition PD-AN.
- Complaint no.43, with object “Appeal to Decision no.346, “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results in election zone of Korça Region, Invalidity of elections held on April 25,2021, Ordering the election rerun in Korça Region”, filed by the complainant Democratic Party and Complaint no. 48, with object “Appeal to SEC Decision no. 346, dated 04.05.2021; Announcement of the invalidity of elections in the entire Korça Region”, filed by the complainant Socialist Movement for Integration.
- Complaint no. 44, with object Appeal to SEC Decision no.348, dated 04.05.2021 “On approval of the Aggregate Table of Results for the election zone of Fieri Region, Invalidity of elections held on April 25, 2021, Ordering the rerun of elections in Fieri Region election zone” filed by the complainant Democratic Party-Alliance for Change coalition.
At the end of administrative review, with the majority of votes, CSC decided to reject the election complaints.