The Regulatory Commission approved the rules of financial reporting of political parties/electoral subjects , auditing and verification of their income and expenses during election campaign, for local government elections.
This Decision aims to provide specific rules for completing, filing, control and verification of financial reports submitted by political parties either when they run alone or as part of a coalition, including the candidates for Mayor, the candidates of multi-member lists and the candidates proposed by the voters. The Decision also defines the reporting standard, with separate formats for political parties, the candidates for Mayor, the candidates for multi-member lists and the candidates proposed by the voters.
In this Decision, the Regulatory defined the way of reporting by accounting experts, who are appointed by the CEC to audit the election campaign financial reports of political parties/electoral subjects, the deadline for the publication of reports, roles and responsibilities of finance staff of political parties/ coalitions and candidates proposed by the voters.
A new element introduced in this Decision is on line financial reporting formats for the election campaign and auditing format for the funds received and spent by political parties/ electoral subjects for the election campaign.