Commissioner distributes mandates for 12 Mayors and for municipal councils

23/05/2023 | News

During today’s public session, the State Election Commissioner approved the Aggregate Table of Results for Mayor and Municipal Council, in electoral zone Lezha municipality, for May 14, 2023 local government elections. The Commissioner declared Mr. Pjerin Ndreu as winning candidate for Mayor of Lezha Municipality, proposed by the Socialist Party of Albania.  

In addition, the Commissioner distributed the mandates for municipal council among the electoral subjects: 

  1. Libohovë Municipality;
  2. Fushë-Arrëz Municipality;
  3. Vorë Municipality;
  4. Divjakë Municipality;
  5. Poliçan Municipality;
  6. Skrapar Municipality;
  7. Pustec Municipality;
  8. Këlcyrë Municipality;
  9. Tepelenë Municipality;
  10. Sarandë Municipality;
  11. Delvinë Municipality;
  12. Konispol Municipality; 

During the session, the Commissioner decided to allocate the following mandates for Mayor:  

  1. Libohovë Municipality, Mr. Leonard Hide; 
  2. Poliçan Municipality,Mr. Adriatik Zotkaj; 
  3. Fushë-Arrëz Municipality,Mr. Hil Curri; 
  4. Vorë Municipality,Mr. Blerim Shera; 
  5. Divjakë Municipality, Mr. Josif Gorrea;
  6. Skrapar, Municipality,Mr Adriatik Mema; 
  7. Pustec, Municipality,Mr Pali Kolefski; 
  8. Këlcyrë Municipality,Mr. Klement Ndoni; 
  9. Tepelenë Municipality,Mr. Tërmet Peçi; 
  10. Sarandë Municipality,Mr Oltion Çaçi; 
  11. Delvinë Municipality;Mr. Besmir Veli; 
  12. Konispol Municipality;Mr. Ergest Dule. 
NewsCommissioner distributes mandates for 12 Mayors and for municipal councils