The Central Elections started today the proceedings of a study tour of a Delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, composed of the representatives of the Central Elections, Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange and the Agency for Personal Data protection.
The study tour is organized by OSCE Presence in Sarajevo, will consists in two days of professional exchange, in order to learn from the challenges of the administration of CEC Albania, in implementation of electronic identification and piloting of electronic voting and counting project.
In his opening address, the State Election Commissioner, Mr. Ilirjan Celibashi emphasized the importance of experience sharing “ Despite the common characteristics or differences in our elections systems, the exchange of the knowledge and best practices is a powerful tool for achieving success. By learning from each other, we can avoid the mistakes and potential challenges and build an election system that is strong and transparent. It is also important to boost the frequence of communication and experience sharing. In a quickly evolving world, information and know- how develop quickly. By communicating and sharing information, we can be more prepared for the future challenges and build more efficient and systems that are up to date”.
In a similar way, this event can serve as an opportunity to build a regional communication and to connect CEC Albania with the other CECs in the Region. Regional communication is the key to address common challenges and to ensure a mutual support. Therefore, by building a regular platform for the exchange of experiences and information, we can create a strong and professional network”, Commissioner Celibashi underlined.
After the opening address of the CEC Chairwoman, Mrs. Irena Hadziabdic and Mr. Ahmed Rifatbegović, the Political Advisor of Head of OSCE Presence in Sarajevo, the CEC administration and Mr.Vangjush Stavro, Director General of Civil Status Office, continued with their presentations for the colleagues from Bosnia and Herzegovina.