Update information regarding the procurement procedure for biometric identification of voters.

06/01/2021 | Lajme

The Central Elections Commission held the procurement procedure with the object “IT systems/equipment on electronic identification of voters and their post election verification”.

5 January 2021 was the deadline to submit the required documentation, the financial bid and the equipment required (sample) by the companies.

Six companies which show interest in the process were invited to participate in the process. Out of them, one company submitted its offer.

The economic operator that participated in the procurement procedure is “Smartmatic” company, with a limit fund of 19.976.374,23 USD, VAT excluded.

Currently, the CEC is in the stage of evaluation of the bid, review of the documentation and evaluation of the equipment presented by the company.

Update on the procurement procedure with the object “IT systems /equipment for electronic identification of voters and their post election verification”.

At the end of the evaluation procedure, the Bid Evaluation Commission will decide regarding the next phase.

LajmeUpdate information regarding the procurement procedure for biometric identification of voters.